Wednesday, June 26, 2013

GEA Survey Follow-Up

GEA representatives met last night with the GCPS School Board and administration regarding the GEA survey results and recommendations. Members were generally very receptive and supportive, and committed to future discussions with GEA and other stakeholders. Much focus was on the issues of the professional notebook, PD 360, staff morale, the Code of Conduct and attendance issues. Personally, I left with the feeling that the Board saw the need for some tangible operational changes, particulary in the latter 3. I will be informing the GEA Executive Committee and Representative Assembly a bit later today of the results and, as always, I welcome questions and feedback from members.


  1. What do you mean by tangible operational changes? Do you really think things will change?

  2. The School Board will be hearing proposed changes to the attendance policy at their regular July meeting. Furthermore, one member expressed the need to enforce whatever policies are in place. Other members supported this opinion.
